Cake Cutting & Care Guide
Sometimes, cutting a tall cake can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't need to be. The video and instructions below will show you how to cut your custom cake in a way that will get you the neatest servings and the most portions from your cake, while impressing guests with your new skill.
What you will need:
A large clean cutting board
Your largest sharp knife
Plates or a large serving board
The steps:
1. Make sure your cake is at room temperature.
2. Remove all decorations, flowers, dowels and put to one side. If you have a 2-tier cake, remove the top tier and cut that first according to this guide.
3. Use the knife to mark guidelines across the top of the cake.
4 .Lay your cutting board directly next to the side of the cake. Cut downwards, as straight as you can, and let the chunk of cake fall onto the board.
5. Cut the chunk on the chopping board into slices, vertically.
6. Cut each vertical slice in half, horizontally. Place each slice onto a plate or serving board.
7. Repeat the process until all of the cake has been cut.
For chocolate biscuit cake I recommend using a very sharp knife, dipped in a jug of hot water, then wiped with a tea towel before cutting.
How to store your cake.
Prior to cutting, your cake can be stored at room temperature, away from sunlight, or in the fridge as advised upon collection.
Any leftover cake can be stored in an airtight container, at room temperature for up to 3 days from collection date.
If you would prefer, each slice can be wrapped in cling film, put into a zip-lock/ freezer bag and stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.
Cake care in warmer weather.
Turn up the air conditioning in the car to keep the interior cool. If possible run the car for as long as you can before setting off to collect your cake. The car needs to be like a fridge.... wear a jumper!!!
Consider collecting early in the morning before the temperatures start to rise.
I will advise you, on collection the best way to store your cake.
Do not display your cake in the garden, or anywhere that is warm. Imagine putting a block of butter or a bar of chocolate out on display- they will melt and so can cake.
Consider that you may need to leave enough space in the fridge for the cake in its box. If you need to know approximate dimensions please get in contact and I will advise closer to the time.
Above all else, enjoy your cake!,